Next Sale – Saturday 28th September 2024!
Every few months we open up our timber warehouse doors with some awesome deals on slabs and more! Join us to browse our HUGE variety of slabs and dimensional timber available at wholesale prices direct to the public.
We sell raw timber slabs, dimensional timber and make kitchen benchtops, bars and custom projects. Wether you want just the timber or a whole table made we’ve got you sorted.
Half hour appointments 9am-3pm
Location: 2 Rankines Mill Rd, Lake Eacham, Qld (First Shed on the right)
Bookings essential: We run our Warehouse Sales by appointment only. The pandemic made us turn to running the sales this way but it has worked out best as it means we can give you our undivided attention in 30 minute slots.
There are appointments on Saturday 28th September only. To see what is available click on that day in the calendar below. First in best dressed – we often are fully booked!
Contact: 0460 555 228
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